Aerial view of diagonal placing of apartment blocks
Open space with Kindergarten
First sketch showing angled siting of housing to provide water views
Structural advantage results from diagonal placing over expressway covering
View from the river
Open space between blocks provides water views for apartments
Plan of diagonal placing over bridging beam structure
Ground floor apartments have private walled gardens
Landscaped space between buildings with playgrounds and private screened gardens
Artworks by Lin Utzon
Artworks by Lin Utzon
View of wave-shaped balconies
Roof top apartment with terrace
Living space of rooftop apartment
Kindergarten playground
Communal building with gymnasium and saunas
Freeway decking in construction
Freeway decking in construction
Entertainment complex with 14 movie halls and restaurants
Entertainment complex with 14 movie halls and restaurants
Design/Completion 1993-1998
Vienna, Austria
City Government of Vienna
115,000 m 2
Concrete structures
Commissioned by the City Government of Vienna, this subsidised social housing community follows the city’s building tradition dating back to the 1920’s. It is built along the Danube on a structure spanning up to 27 metres across an eight lane expressway.
The housing blocks are placed diagonally over the covering, thereby distributing their load and affording virtually all of the 850 apartments a water view from their living rooms and balconies. View corridors are planned through the scheme to benefit the existing three residential towers further inland. The buildings step down toward the river, creating roof top terrace apartments. Ground floor units have wall- enclosed private gardens especially suited to families with small children. Most of the apartments are 75 m2 two bedroom units. Three bedroom apartments are 90 m2, one bedroom units 54 m2 and rooftop terrace apartments 130 m2.
Typical apartments are grouped three and four to an elevator-stair core.
A triangular shaped part-office, part- residential, 100 metre high tower is planned on land behind the expressway covering, surrounded by a treed plaza, with fountains, a shopping centre, a large community multi-purpose hall and an entertainment centre. Two of the tower’s wings extend upward above the office levels to ensure water views for its occupants toward the river and the still waters of the Kaiserwasser lake inland, beyond the site.
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